Time-saving Tips
This is where our wax shampoo truly excels. If you were to do a heavy rinse of the whole car, hardly any water would remain on the surface. Naturally, this makes drying the car a snap.
Procedure and Tips.
The first step to washing a car is to rinse it off. Use plenty of water to wash away things such as sand or dust which might cause scratching to the paint as you wash the vehicle. Any dirt that remains after this will at least be softened by absorbing moisture, making washing your car easier on your car body. It's best to rinse dirt off from the top downward.
Wash the car softly using enough soap, instead of rubbing on the body. Applying too much force may cause scratches.
This time we're using our Water Block Shampoo. Wash the car after applying the shampoo directly to the included sponge. This product is tough on dirt, but gentle to your car body.
As soon as you're done rinsing, the body will repel water, causing the drops to bounce right off the body, as if you'd applied a waterproof wax to the surface. Once you've wiped the droplets away, you will be amazed by the marvelous sheen of your car body; delightfull surprise after only a simple car wash.