Procedure and Tips.
1.If you want to increase the longevity of your car's leather, regular maintenance is the most important thing you can do.
It is important to treat any dirtied or damaged areas as soon as you notice them. Simply take a cleaning sheet and wipe the area. Store the package of sheets somewhere easy to reach, such as on your dashboard, to be sure you can treat the area as soon as possible.
2.Make sure to choose a product designed for genuine leather, and use a gentle touch when wiping the surface.
Not just any sheet type cleaner is okay. Chose a proper sheet cleaner. Ingredients which excessively remove oil or that are too wet can cause damage to your leather, so be sure to only use a product designed for genuine leather, and rather than scrubbing, rub the surface lightly.
Finish!Products that include mink oil can provide a natural shine.
Mink oil, which has attracted recent attention as an ingredient in cosmetics and skin-care products, can restore a leather's natural elasticity and shine without leaving the surface feeling sticky.
In the case of Leather Seat Cleaning Wipe, a mild cleaning agent and microfiber material work together to gently remove dirt from the small irregularities of the leather's texture. Our mink oil formula provides natural moisture to the leather. The product also provides the leather with a resistance to the formation of mold and mildew.